Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


In human development, the foundation is critical and can spell the difference between meaningful progress or delay in learning. This is the reality for the regular average child, but more so for children who do not have the sight to facilitate gaining knowledge from the environment. So it has become RBI’s thrust to include intervention of children with visual impairment at the earliest age possible to minimize or even avoid the expected developmental delays in their cognitive, communication, motor and social skills. Being able to train early both the child and the parents on how to deal with the disability will yield better results in terms of acquiring academic and life skills that will enable the person and everyone around him to live normally.

This is the essence of RBI’s early intervention and preschool program for children who are blind and with visual impairment. For this year, we reached our milestone of having12 babies enrolled in our Parent & Child program. This is the most number of babies that we have as students since the early intervention program was launched.