Our Job Placement program was established to help blind adults get decent employment in line with their interest and level of education. It is also designed to dispel hesitations and misconceptions on the employer’s part in hiring persons with visual impairments.

In 2014, we conducted preemployment trainings for 28 visually impaired adults. This training gives them the technical and soft skills needed to find and keep good employment. After the training, we work with the participants to find suitable employment.

We also conducted orientations for 130 employers and Human Resource personnel from different companies. This orientation typically removes the fears and concerns of employers in hiring someone with visual impairment.

A significant accomplishment in 2014 was the forging of a partnership with the Employees Compensation Commission of the Department of Labor and Employment. This agreement uses RBI staff to provide rehabilitation services to workers who become visually impaired or blind as a result of work-related injuries.

What kind of work can a blind person do?

The booming business process and outsourcing industry in the Philippines, including call center work, has led us to focus our job placement for blind persons in work that requires computer skills.

In partnership with IBM and the Overbook School for the Blind in Philadelphia, we were able  to provide computer training course to 95 blind high school and college students in 2012. This prepares them well for future work in an industry that is continually in need of qualified workers.