While our main mission is to provide services to persons with visual impairment, we also have programs to prevent blindness and assist patients with low vision. Our approach is to establish meaningful linkages with government units to track down those who need eye care services, coordinate with community workers to implement projects and partner with eye care specialists to provide the necessary medical assessment and treatment.

Nationwide trainings and public awareness campaigns in barangays are conducted to effectively disseminate information that would equip the members of the community with knowledge and skills that would help prevent blindness.

Although the raising of funds for eye surgeries has been very challenging, we have been able to continue with the program through the assistance of a major partner, RBI International (US), who has been consistent in their efforts to find donors for children who need surgery. Focus is given to children because of the special urgent attention needed for childhood blindness cases.

At the end of 2015, the United States Agency for International development (USAID) awarded RBI with a grant to launch a project which will help ensure the continuum of care for children with visual impairment. Full implementation of the project commences in January 2016 and will run until 2018.
















Accessible Media


Produced pages of additional Braille reading material for children and adults

Produced new titles of audio books

Provided training and support for schools and other organizations in computerized Braille production

Increased the number of tactile graphics pages included in Braille textbooks and other publications

Target government and non-government organizations and business to provide accessible versions of their printed information.

Enrolled students in the distant learning Braille Literacy or Braille Transcribing courses.

Provide training and technical support to teachers and other organizations in DAISY production.

Provided technical support and training for DAISY production to other organizations.

Bookshare clients in the Philippines – Partnered with Bookshare to provide and expand the online library of books in the Philippines.

Clients, teachers and Librarians who attended Bookshare training.

Provide training in Assistive Technologies – NVDA / JAWS

Promotion of Marrakesh Treaty.









